Barry A Wilson

Sharing God's Truth

with the







Welcome to my web site. I offer all types of photography.. I am also an author and you can check out my books on my author's page. Please check out all of my sites and see how we can change the world for the Better.

Barry is a native of Birmingham, Alabama with a love for God’s creation. His immediate family consists of his wife, Faye and one grown son, Guy. He is a graduate of Nazarene Bible College in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Barry is an author and enjoys sharing God's truth with the world.

God has placed a call on his life and part of that call is to show people God’s great display of beauty and wonder that is around us everyday. Often people are too busy to see and enjoy this so he brings it to us in his photography.


Most Americans know very little about our country's founding. If our country is to survive, the American people must be educated on our founding principles and the history that brought them about. This is what my newsletter is about.

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Author's Page

Sharing God's Beautiful World